The header 'Tracklogs' can be found both in the Routelab and under your Profile. You now enter your personal Tracklogs archive where all your saved tracklogs are. These are the track logs you have recorded yourself using the MyRoute app for mobile or MyRoute app Navigation or which you have uploaded. You can create folders to create structure.

The tracklog archive - overview options

In the tracklogs archive the information is divided into columns and rows. The rows are the different tracklogs listed below each other. Each column provides information about a specific characteristic of the tracklogs. It is possible to sort the list by these properties by clicking on the corresponding column title. See the explanation below:

  1. (Sort by) Type of route/folder - Here you can see whether it is a folder or a tracklog that has been ridden, walked or cycled. 
  2. (Sort by) Country - Here you can see by means of a flag in which country the tracklog was created. A tracklog through several countries will not show a flag. 
  3. (sort by) Name of the tracklog. Sort by alphabet. 
  4. (Sort by) Privacy - Here you can see for whom the tracklog/folder is visible: private, friends or public. 
  5. (Sort by) Date on which the tracklog was created.
  6. (sort by) Distance 
  7. (Sort by) Duration
  8. (Sort by) Appreciations - Any route can get appreciations. The total number is also shown here. 
  9. Different options to run for a specific route. See further explanations below under 9 - Edit options
  10. Search - This button allows you to search within the tracklogs archive.
  11. New - This button allows you to create new folders or upload tracklogs. Also see Manual 'Uploading a route, route-track and tracklog'

Continued 9 - Edit options for a tracklog or a folder


A. Tracklog/folder editing: you can change the name and privacy mode. Finally, don't forget to click on 'update'. 

B. Delete tracklog/folder: you will be asked to confirm this choice, you can also cancel. 

E. More options - if you click on this icon a pop-up window will appear. This pop-up window contains several tabs: 'properties', 'share' and 'save as'. The different options for each tab are explained below.


Here you see an overview of the properties as they were also visible in columns in the route archive. There are a number of things you can do here:

E.1. Rename the tracklog

E.2. Change the privacy settings

E.3. Moving a route to a folder

E.4. Delete route


It is possible to share the route in different ways:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Mail route
  • Share route via a link
  • Embed: generate a code to show route on your own website. 

Save as

You can save the route directly to the device you are working on by:

O.1. Selecting a file format

O.2 Save file

More about folders

Once the folder has been created, you can simply drag and drop the tracklogs into the new folder. Within the folder, the layout and the different possibilities are the same as in the general overview. The title bar (underlined in the image below) shows in which folder you are looking. With the two buttons indicated, you can return to the parent folder. 

Using tracklog

Besides the fact that it is very nice to see what you have driven, you can also use the tracklog as a route. If you click on a tracklog in the tracklog archive, it will open. 

In the left column you will find: 

  • Statistics with information about the tracklog;
  • Moments with any photos added during the tracklog;
    • By clicking on a point on the tracklog, moments can be added. You give a title to the moment and can add a photo or a description if desired. 
  • Responses to the tracklog.

In the map area you will find:

1. Zooming in and out: Zoom the map view in and out. This can also be done by using your mouse wheel. 

2. StreetView: activate StreetView by clicking this icon. On every blue road it is possible to start StreetView.  

3. Current location: Clicking this icon will zoom in on the (set) current location.  

4. Map layers: Here you can activate different map layers. This changes the appearance of the map. 

In the blue menu bar above the map you will find:

5. Route name: You can change the route name by clicking on the pencil.  

6. Privacy: Here you can change who can see the tracklog. You can choose: public, friends, private. 

7. Save as: Click here to save the tracklog to your computer as (for example) a .GPX file (there are different filetypes that we support). 

8. Use as route: this button converts the tracklog to a route that will be opened in the route archive. The system will put waypoints on the map itself to turn it into a route. Always check this route; are the waypoints on the road and after intersections, roundabouts and turns, and is the route still the way you want it to be. 

9. Sharing: You can share the tracklog in various ways; Twitter, Facebook, E-mail, via a link or you can embed the tracklog and place it on your own website.